Most hedghogs love to play with toys. It is possible to use many kinds of toys, but the easiest ones to buy are cat toys. You just need to make sure if you get the cat balls that they don’t have holes in them or they could get their mouth stuck on them. Some good options are: cloth mice, beanie babies, and plastic ball pit balls, plastic easter eggs with bells or pennies in them taped shut, or even something as simple as a rubber duck. (Whatever you decide to give your hedgie will most likely get pooped on at one point or another) Hedgehogs can also play with toys in the hamster aisle of the pet store as well, but hedgehogs don’t need to chew on wood like hamsters do to keep their teeth from growing, their teeth don’t do that. Just keep this in mind while shopping as well. Another thing to look out for is fraying fabric or mesh on toys, their teeth and nails can get caught in this. Hedgehogs love the mint sticks that you can give to cats. This type of toy has mesh, so if you give this to your hedgehog it is recommended that you wrap it in fleece strips so they can’t access the mesh. (It is only the smell that attracts them to this toy so this won’t stop them from playing with it.)
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