There are many different types of bedding as well. A couple that are absolutely not recommended are cedar (because the oils and smell can cause upper respiratory issues) and newspaper or any type of paper with ink (the ink can be poisonous if eaten, and trust me they will taste it at some point in their lives). The most highly recommended are paper beddings such as Carefresh, pine or aspen shavings, or fleece blankets (it is recommended to wash the blanket at least once after buying it to ensure absorbency). Paper beddings are very good for the environment and soft on a hedgie’s feet. Shavings are typically cheaper, and they smell better. (I use pine shavings that have a pine scent, this helps to mask their poop smell which can be very strong at times.) Fleece has the advantage of being reusable, and it looks much nicer in their cages. Warning: your hedgie will most likely go “liner diving” and burrow inside or underneath the fleece and knock EVERYTHING over. Although, some people have come up with clever solutions for this such as using Velcro around the bottom edges of the blanket and cage. I have never used this method, so I'm not sure how effective it is.
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