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Vet Savings Account


While you might think that you don't need to have money set aside for a vet, you really should.

Hedgehogs may not need vaccinations or things like that, but there are a few reasons you why your hedgehog may need to visit a vet.

State Requirements:

For states like Georgia, it is only legal to own a hedgehog if you are USDA licensed. In order to obtain and keep a USDA license, you need to have regular house visits with your vet. Having a vet come to your house is hardly ever cheap.

Wellness Checks:

A lot of people elect to bring their hedgehog in for periodic wellness checks. During the wellness checks your vet will usually assess thing like teeth, fur, quills, skin, eyes, feet, weight, and behavior to get a general idea of your hedgehog's health. It is good to have this done periodically because it can help to alert you of any illnesses your hedgehog may develop, or any they may be prone to developing.


There are two different kinds of abnormalities; common, and life-threatening. A common abnormality could be something like a bump, quill loss, or a change in behavior; while a life-threatening abnormality is usually an injury with medium to very large amounts of blood loss, or hibernation.

Having a vet savings account for any of these things is critical. You should set aside AT LEAST $500, but preferably closer to $1000 in case of an emergency. Emergency (after hours) vet visits are almost twice as expensive as a normal visit, and emergencies almost never happen during business hours.

So, as you can see, even though hedgehogs are easy to care for on a daily basis, they are still exotic animals. From the cost of the hedgehog itself, its supplies, upkeep, and vet bills; a single hedgehog's cost can end up in the thousands over the course of its lifespan. It's better to start setting aside money now rather than to be caught off guard. These little guys may be expensive, but they will fill a hole in your heart that you didn't even know you had!



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