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Hedgehogs can use bottles or bowls for water. If you use a bottle, please make sure your hedgehog is actually drinking from it, or it could become dehydrated and stop eating and ultimately die. You should also make sure that the bottle you use is not spring loaded. (The way to check for this is to turn the bottle upside down where the spout is on the top, if the ball in the spout slides all the way back then the bottle is not spring loaded, if the ball stays in place, the bottle is spring loaded) Spring loaded bottles are not recommended because hedgehogs have semi-long skinny tongues that can get stuck in the spring. Bowls are okay to use as long as the water is kept clean and filled up. There is also another option that you can find in the reptile section of Petco, it is a water bowl that constantly refills itself like the kind you can buy for dogs and cats, but smaller. I have used bottles, bowls, and the refillable bowls. I have found the best results when using bowls. Mine sometimes didn't use the bottles, and most of them kept knocking over the refillable bowls.



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